PROGRAM DESCRIPTION CHRONILIST NT is among the most complete schedulers available. It will handle not only your busy itinerary, but that of everyone in your office (or family). It will prepare calendars and other reports that display one person's upcoming events or those for several people simultaneously. Data can be filtered when a report is generated, so that only events for a particular project, or only those events containing a particular word, will be displayed. The program's main strength is the completeness of its scheduling capacity. Few programs even approach it in this regard, much less match it. And, considering all it can do, the program is surprisingly easy to use. Its reports, while not as infinitely customizable as those provided by those output-oriented calendar producers with limited scheduling capability, are attractive, functional, and simple to set up. This program will optionally drag events forward from day to day until you tell the program to tag them for deletion. CHRONILIST even allows you to link related events, so that a change to one will result in the automatic modification of others. Finding free time, establishing recurring events, viewing religious dates (Christian, Jewish, and Muslim), and tracking julian dates are a snap for this program. And, as a bonus, the program includes a Log module that tracks services performed, money spent, and money received. It will even produce an Income-Expense report for any period of time you desire. On a network or stand-alone computer, you'll find that this program will handle your scheduling needs like nothing else. Give it a thorough work-out. NOTE: This software is a living -- and evolving -- product. It is constantly being enhanced as a result of suggestions from users. If you have any ideas, don't hesitate to contact Integra Computing at 770-426-5735. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (page 1) This program will operate only with Windows 95. A version is also available for Windows 3.x. If you went through the automated INSTALL.BAT routine, the program files have already been placed into an INTEGRA directory on your hard disk. If, on the other hand, you did not go through the INSTALL.BAT routine, you should run the SETUP.BAT routine. Assuming your printer is attached to the LPT1 port on your computer, the command to run is SETUP LPT1 That command will cause the files to be copied to an INTEGRA directory on your hard disk. - RUNNING THE PROGRAM - If you're in a hurry to see what the program is like before completing the basic setup for Windows, you may do so by using File | Run in the Program Manager or by double-clicking on it in the File Manager. The name of the file to execute is ULTIMATE.EXE. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (page 2) - COMPLETING THE BASIC SETUP FOR WINDOWS 95 - If you'd like to access the program through its icon, complete the basic setup for Windows 95: 1) Point to the Start button on the Task Bar. When you RIGHT-click the mouse, a menu will appear. Select "Open" on the menu. 2) A "Start Menu" box will appear. Double-click on the "Programs" folder. 3) A "Programs" box will appear, showing the sub-folders currently included within Programs folder. Double-click on the folder in which you wish to include this program. 4) A box showing the programs contained within the folder will appear. Select File | New at the box's pull-down menu. Then, select "Shortcut" at the sub-menu that appears. 5) A "Create Shortcut" box will appear. Into the "Command Line" item, type C:\INTEGRA\ULTIMATE.EXE 6) Then, you'll be asked to select a name or title for this program or shortcut. Type in anything that is meaningful to you. The new program will then be added to the folder. 7) For network installation, see the section devoted to Installation in the program's on-line help. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (page 3) - PRINTING THE MANUAL The manual consists entirely of on-line help that is organized into several "chapters" referenced in its table of contents. Selecting "Help" at the pull-down menu will take you into the help system, where you may search for information by keyword. Pressing the F1 key almost anywhere within the program will take you directly to a section of the manual that discusses that section of the program. Printing the manual involves several steps. First, get into the help system ("Help" or F1). When there, select the "Contents" button. At the Contents page, select File | Print. After the Contents page has printed, select the first topic in the Contents listing. When that topic appears, select File | Print. After that topic prints, return to the Contents page and select the next topic and print it. Repeat this process until the entire manual has been printed. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (page 4) - PROBLEMS - VIDEO: -> If gibberish appears anywhere in the program, the problem is that the video driver you are using cannot produce all the fonts used by the program. Try another driver. Video drivers are selected in the Windows "Display" routine (found in Settings | Control Panel). -> If text on the screen or printer seems improperly sized or does not seem to fit neatly into the areas where it should, there are two possible reasons: One possibilty is that the video driver you're using may not be optimal. Some drivers seem to be incapable of producing text of a selected font at the correct size, especially at the higher resolutions. If you have a choice between a driver that uses "large fonts" and one that uses "small fonts", choose the latter. Video drivers are selected in the Windows "Display" routine (found in Settings | Control Panel). Another possible cause of poorly fitting text is that you may be either missing some font files, or using font files that have been altered by other software. This program relies upon the following ORIGINAL fonts supplied by Microsoft Windows: Arial, Courier New, Terminal, and System. If they seem to be unavailable, they may be somewhere on your hard disk, but not installed. Try using the Windows "Fonts" routine (found in the "Control Panel") to find and install (or add) them. Also useful may be the /NT option discussed near the end of the on-line help's "Configuration" section. PRINTER: -> If fonts appear to be improperly sized, or if gibberish appears on the printout, make sure that the printer driver that you have installed into Windows is specifically matched to your EXACT printer model. A "close" match or "emulation" may not be good enough. This program does nothing fancy with your printer. It relies ENTIRELY upon Windows to handle the printing. If it doesn't appear to be working properly, your printer driver is probably to blame. So why do other programs appear to work with your printer and its driver? Perhaps because those programs don't rely upon the same Arial and Courier New fonts that this program does. Or perhaps the other programs are somehow bypassing Windows to print directly to the printer. Be assured that if your Windows printer driver is a good match for your printer, this program's output will be fine. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (page 5) - REGISTERED USERS - If you have registered as a user, you have a serial number printed on the distribution disk's label. You now need to let the program know that you acknowledge your serial number. To do so, 1) Go to the program manager and select File | Run at the menu bar. 2) At the Run box, enter C:\INTEGRA\ULTIMATE.EXE /RP at the Command Line item. This command assumes that you have loaded the program onto drive C. If not, substitute the appropriate letter. For instance, if you loaded the program onto drive F, F:\INTEGRA\ULTIMATE.EXE /RP would be entered instead. 3) When asked for your serial number, enter it. Once you've completed this process, the program will skip the registration info screen when loading. But you may confirm your serial number and the number of network workstations for which you are registered by selecting Help | About at the Main Screen's menu bar when running the program.